Treat Your Brand Like a Project


If you’re a solopreneur, chances are you drag your feet when it comes to working on your brand. You’re not getting paid to fine-tune your business, so why does it matter? So, you treat giving your business the attention it deserves as a “job” instead of the priority it should be. 

How do you find the time to maintain your brand when you have other – and paying – projects in the pipeline? For me, I block out specific times to work on my new website, analyze my portfolio, and organize my work so that it’s scalable in the future. Admittedly, I tend to procrastinate on my own stuff, which is a challenge for me. 

It’s all about reframing your perspective. If you view your brand and business through the lens of a project, one that’s in your regular queue, then you’ll be more inclined to work on them. Shifting your viewpoint really helps your mental state in that regard. 

So, why is it important to give your business a tune-up? You'll appear stagnant if you don’t update your portfolio or regularly work on your brand. Prospective clients might assume you haven’t worked in a long time, and you certainly don’t want to drive them away. 

Sharing new content at regular intervals ensures that folks see you are continuously working and bringing your updated portfolio to the table. 

You treat your clients’ brands with the meticulous attention to detail they deserve – why not show your business the same courtesy? Think of it as another project and watch how this simple mental reframing takes your work to the next level.

Monique Johnson